The most popular global messaging platform is WhatsApp with a wide user base all over the world. It comes as no surprise that it now has an additional application that is WhatsApp business. Small, moderate, and even large businesses can avail of the whatsapp business solution for making their business grow and reach the target audience.

WhatsApp for business

There are multiple ways how a business can connect with its customers using this app. Tools and business profiles are only some. It impacts your brand’s mobile marketing efforts. Businesses can create their profile where they can reply quickly to the customer questions, analyze the messaging statistics, and the place where customers get to know your business better.

If you also want to connect with your customers with their beloved chatting app WhatsApp, there are agencies that can help you in creating WhatsApp Business API to NLP chatbots for integrating with ERP, CRM, or a website.

How to boost your business?

Achieve more for your business with WhatsApp Business Solution offered by Moobidesk Singapore with powerful features and limitless possibilities that are listed below:

  • Easy to use API

Seamless integration of apps with your own websites, apps, or system to receive and send texts, audios, links, pictures, and emojis all over Singapore and the world.

  • Fast messaging

You can send WhatsApp notifications and alerts to your customers and communicate efficiently with them, providing great support.

  • Multi-agent support

If there are queries, feedbacks, and requests from multiple customers, they can be easily managed and handled by many agents simultaneously.

  • AI-powered chatbots

If there is no agent to answer the customer’s query, no problem at all. There are AI-powered chatbots that answer the queries automatically, reducing the overhead costs involved in customer services. Many customers have almost similar or repetitive queries. You can automate answers to them and the team can focus on other and more important tasks at hand.

  • Securemessaging

WhatsApp Business API has end-to-end encryption for secure communication. It means that the messages are encoded into a secret message and are only decoded by the recipient.

  • Analytics and reporting

You can also gain insights into the performance of your team and make use of the interactive dashboard to satisfy the customer’s needs.

Why Moobidesk?

You may think why you should avail of Moobidesk’s services. Well, here are some significant reasons:

  • High-level customer experience
  • Enhanced productivity of the team
  • Greater engagement of the customers

Your business is bound to reach new heights with Moobidesk.